Western Pennsylvania Housing Directors Association (WPHDA)
To improve communications between Western Pennsylvania housing authorities; assist in training of authority personnel; and to enhance the working relationship with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The above shall be accomplished, where appropriate or desirable, in cooperation with other local, state and national organizations with similar members, goals and programs.
Membership is limited to the Executive Directors of those housing authorities within the jurisdiction of the Pittsburgh Field Office of HUD.
The Executive Director may appoint a person to act as a proxy on his/her behalf at any meeting by submitting a written notice to the WPHDA President indicating such appointment. That person must be an employee of the same authority.
Members in good standing are those that have paid dues for the member year.
Annual membership dues shall be:
HA’s with total units under 500 – $50
HA’s with total units between 500 and 1000 – $75
HA’s with over 1000 total units – $100
Annual dues shall be for the twelve month period from January 1 through December 31.
The Office of President and Vice-President of WPHDA may be held by any member Executive Director, or other Administrative staff person with the approval of the Executive Director of the agency. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by any member Executive Director, any other Administrative staff with the approval of the Executive Director of the agency, or a nominated consultant with the majority approval of the membership.
Officers of WPHDA and their responsibilities shall be as follows:
President: Conduct Association business, call meetings, appoint committees and act as chief executive officer.
Vice President: Act in the absence of the President.
Secretary: Read all official acts of the organization, take minutes of meetings, assist in correspondence and keep and disperse the official records of the organization.
Treasurer: Maintain financial records and distribute funds; report to the members the financial status of the organization and at least quarterly report in detail to the members the financial condition of the organization. Office shall also be responsible for the depository of the treasurer and for collecting annual dues for WPHDA.
Executive Board: The Executive Board shall consist of the four officers of the Association.
All officers shall adhere to the NAHRO Code of Professional Conduct.
WPHDA officers shall be elected at an Annual Meeting be elected for a term of two (2) years. Terms shall begin at that Annual Meeting and shall continue for twenty-four (24) months and conclude at the Annual Meeting two years hence.
A person may be nominated to an office either by a nominating committee appointed by the President, or by the Executive Board serving as a nominating committee, or by being nominated by an individual WPHDA member. A list of the proposed nominations shall be circulated to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Previously elected officers may remain in the same officer position if approved by the membership.
Persons, other than the President, unable to fill the full term of office shall be replaced temporarily by the President, immediately from membership in good standing at time of vacancy. In the event an officer leaves the employment of a WPHDA member, the officer shall be terminated immediately from that office, and the position filled in accordance with the provisions of this section.
The Executive Board may establish, as necessary, a standing or special (limited time) committee to carry out specified functions or business of the Association. The President shall appoint members to any such established committee.
The President shall authorize and approve all payments. All disbursements will be by a checking account as signed by the Treasurer.
If WPHDA is dissolved, the membership shall vote to determine whether its assets will be distributed: (1) to current members as a pro rata share based the dues schedule; or (2) to one or more governmental units, or organizations that are affiliates of governmental units.
At the beginning of each year, the Executive Board shall determine dates for all regular membership meetings and for the Association’s Annual Meeting and shall publish this schedule to the membership. Meetings may be held in-person or virtually.
Special meetings may be called by the President as necessary, at a time and place designated by the President. Meeting notices shall be sent by the Secretary as directed by the President.
Meetings called by the President shall be declared official and action determined official based on the presence of at least seven (7) members in good standing. At these meetings of seven (7) or more members, official action rendered binding to the organization shall be conducted by simple majority of the members present.
Order of business is normally as follows:
-Roll call, i.e. Officers and authorities present
-Welcome Attendee
-Reading, approval of minutes of previous meeting
-Report from Treasurer
-Reports from committees
-Unfinished business
-New business
-Any other business
Training Registration and Refund Policy
Prior to any training or WPHDA sponsored event, the membership shall put forth their best effort to register in a timely manner. If cancellation becomes necessary, the following refund policy shall prevail:
1. In order to receive a full refund, cancellation notice must be received at least five (5) working days prior to the event.
2. Fifty percent (50%) will be refunded if cancellation is received from two (2) to five (5) working days prior to the event.
3. No refund will be given if cancellation is received less than two (2) working days prior to the event.
The officers of the Association shall determine what amount of the registration, if any, will be refunded. Organizations are encouraged to make substitutions in lieu of lost fees or to request a credit towards a future seminar.
Personal Correspondence Policy
The Vice President of the Association shall be responsible for correspondence of a personal nature as deemed appropriate by the membership. Examples of this are cards or flowers being sent due to illness, birth or death in a family.
The business address shall be the official address of the organization Treasurer.
Additions or amendments to the by-laws of the organization shall be accomplished as follows:
1. Bylaw amendments may be originated by the Executive Board or any member Executive Director in good standing.
2. The President shall present the proposed amendment at a regular or special meeting. A written copy of the amendment shall be provided to the Executive Directors of the membership at least 30 days prior to this meeting.
3. Within 20 days following the meeting, a written ballot shall be distributed to all members in good standing. Members shall have 15 days from the date of the ballot distribution to return their ballots to the Association Secretary.
4. The Secretary shall tabulate the ballots and report the results to the President who shall report them in writing to the membership. A simple majority of the membership in good standing shall be required to pass an amendment.
5. Upon adoption, the Secretary shall assure that the amendment is incorporated into the Association’s bylaws.
Bylaw amendments: October, 2011; October, 2023