WPHDA’s annual meeting schedule is designed to enhance communications among its member agencies and provide staff development opportunities for agency leaders and staff. Meetings typically focus on topics of current interest, or specific concerns confronting member authorities, such a new or changed HUD program or regulation. The schedule includes WPHDA’s popular roundtables which allow authority directors and front line staff members to share first-hand experiences, problems and concerns, as well as their success stories. All meetings are open to both WPHDA members and non-members.
First Wednesdays with WPHDA 2025
(Meeting details and reservation forms will be added as they become available.)
Wednesday, April 2 Fair Housing and Sexual Harassment Training
10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (lunch included with meeting)
Regional Learning Alliance, 850 Cranberry Woods Drive, Cranberry Twp., 16066
Iyen Acosta, J.D., Reno & Cavanaugh, Washington, D.C.
FH training, agenda, reservation form Apr 2025
Wednesday, May 7 FSS and Resident Services Roundtable
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Westmoreland County Housing Authority, 167 So. Greengate Rd., Greensburg 15601
Roundtable Conveners: Cheryl Messner, FSS Manager and
Lynn Wakenmuth, Hope for Life Manager
Wednesday, August 6 Directors, Human Resources, HCV, and Property Managers
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Robert M. Smith Conference Center, Slippery Rock University, 107 Central Loop,
Slippery Rock 16057
Informal lunch afterwards at Ginger Hill Tavern, 278 So. Main Street, 16057
Wednesday, October 1 Annual Meeting and Luncheon
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Allegheny Grille, 40 Main Street, Foxburg 16036
Update by Pittsburgh HUD Office and Election of Officers
Luncheon immediately following.